
The Benefits of Working Locally

In simpler days before Covid-19, your mornings might have been something like this. As you laypeacefully in your slumber, you are rudely awakened by an iPhone alarm followed by a zombiewalk to the coffee maker. After getting dressed and grabbing the nearest thing on the counterthat’s edible, you juggled your keys, work bag, and coffee cup as you made a 100-meter dash toyour car only to sit in traffic. Sounds familiar? These are days that I’m sure none of us miss.However, this may be an excellent opportunity to consider working locally as you considerchanging careers or starting a business. We know the obvious reasons for considering workingclose to home can save time on your commute, but you should consider a few other reasons! Wewill breakdown three reasons why working and investing local may be an ideal situation andhow you can get the most from it.

Connecting with the locals

If you’re someone who works in the city, then chances are you may be more familiar with thearea you work than your neighborhood. This situation is common for many, leaving only theweekend to explore the local farmers market, cafés, and other festivities that your area offers. It’shard to take notice of new business openings and community events when you’re rarely home,which is a good reason why you should consider working closer to home. As an active local,there’s a rewarding feeling of being involved in your community. Attending town hall meetings,supporting and exploring local shops is a great way to meet new people and reconnect with oldones. Often because we are so drained and tired from work, we rarely spend time after we clockout to walk through trails in our neighborhood or explore dog parks to catch up on the localhappenings. Being isolated can make us feel disclosed and feel like an outcast in our community,which should never be the case. Cheers, the television show said it best, “Sometimes you wannago to a place where everybody knows your name”; this rings true when you work close to home.

Invest where you live

Being a small business owner has its own set of challenges, and we know the notion of “​If youbuild it, they will come​” is not always true. But despite the obstacles and hurdles, being a smallbusiness owner is rewarding, and one of the rewards is to serve your community directly. Thisreason is similar to the first but differs from a business standpoint. When you have a localbusiness in your community, you get a chance to serve people in a unique and personal way thatbig companies and corporate chains can’t offer. For example, opening up a yoga studio in towngives customers a reason to stay local and enables them to start their morning and eveningscloser to home. On the flip side, getting your taxes done from someone local pours back into thecommunity because you can keep the community’s dollars flowing. A global business that servesmillions is certainly inspirational, but after a while the customers become names on paper in adatabase instead of real people. Small companies have the power to serve and uplift thecommunity by being present. In reality, of course, it helps that your tax dollars and investmentsflow back into the community but to see the change and contribution you add to the communityis priceless.

Start-ups are more affordable

By now, I’m sure you may be thinking, “working local sounds excellent, but I need my businessto be where the big spenders are!” I understand because business is about supply and demandand being where the demand is is vital! However, if you’re starting a new business, you shouldn’texpect to have that cornerstone office downtown next to the harbor just yet! Aside from beingpricey, it might not make sense for a new business, which leads me to my next point to considerworking in a community workspace. Starting a business has never been more convenient andaffordable, and when you’re starting anything new, those two words are always welcomed. Bychoosing a community co-workspace for your business, you have the opportunity to avoidexpensive leases; instead, you can use an office space that’s rooted right in the community for anaffordable price. Another benefit of a community workspace is that you can connect directlywith other business owners to build your network. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that you willhave access to free parking, snacks, spacious conference rooms, and special discounts to localshops as a PIVOT member. But more importantly, you’ll be investing in a creative space that’shere to help and serve business owners from the community

 Living local is excellent and working locally is even better! There are endless opportunities thatare local, but it’s your job to discover and create them. Whenever you do, we at PIVOT are hereto help. To find out more about our co-working spaces, locations, and membership options,please contact us today. We may even throw in a Free Day Pass. Coffee included!

Living local is excellent and working locally is even better! There are endless opportunities thatare local, but it’s your job to discover and create them. Whenever you do, we at PIVOT are hereto help. To find out more about our co-working spaces, locations, and membership options,please contact us today. We may even throw in a Free Day Pass. Coffee include

Learn more about PIVOT

PIVOT offers flexible open work space, shared work space, private offices & more in EllicottCity, Catonsville & Clarksville with all the amenities & productivity tools you need to succeedand be productive; All at one low price & with no leases or contracts. PIVOT is great forfreelancers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators, those who work from home andanyone else who needs modern, flexible office space without the long-term commitment or steepprices of typical office buildings or the hassle of a membership to a downtown co working space

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